Anand, the Author
Anand has written close to 30 books, all of which have been translated widely into many Indian and some foreign languages. His writings have also been published in several newspapers, magazines, organizational pamphlets, and booklets reaching and aiding struggling masses. He was a regular contributor to India’s respected public policy journal with international standing, the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW). His thought provoking column ‘Margin Speak’ in EPW is already noted for its critical perspective and commentary/analysis of public policy issues.
He also regularly contributed to other progressive journals like Mainstream, Frontier, Seminar, and to the People’s Movements, etc. Most of his books have received rave reviews and listing under ‘must read’ by many international periodicals and most US, European and Chinese universities.
For many years, he edited a Marathi working-class monthly, Thingi (The Spark), worked on the editorial boards of Samaj Prabodhan Patrika, Vidrohi, Bhor and many respected publications.
He has written more than 500 articles/papers/pamphlets in newspapers, magazines and popular journals and contributed more than 50 chapters in various books edited by eminent academicians in India and abroad. He has presented papers in numerous academic conferences and seminars and delivered key notes in many of them.
Anand compiled for the very first time between 2001-03 an e-compendium of writings of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on a CD-ROM. It contained pictures, debates, interviews, photos, voice clips and original video clips of Dr. Ambedkar. It was meant for private circulation and benefited students, researchers, and activists alike and helped spread of the Ambedkar way of thinking and in the movements of the oppressed people all across the world.